Sunday, November 11, 2007


Ok, I'm excited! I just booked our yearly trip to Fort Walton Beach, Florida!!! Is this not the coolest thing this side of KENTUCKY? Am I not a first rate traveling hussie or what??? Ok, here is the travel run-down....first in January I have BAHAMAS with my fave girlfriend in the world, Miss Bree. Then Feb 23 I have a one week vacation in Fort Walton Beach with Archie. We have gone every year (except we missed one year because his Mom died) and it is pure bliss. THEN in May I have my trip to PARIS AND AMSTERDAM with Bree and John. In the Fall of 2008 a tentative plan is set for a trip to Washington D.C. with Archie. So all my vacation time is already planned for 2008!!! I love it!!!!
Let me tell you about our little piece of heaven on Fort Walton Beach.....I found the condo in FWB on the internet probably 7 or 8 years ago and we went for the first time and totally fell in love with it and have returned every year. FWB (short for Fort Walton Beach) is on Okaloosa Island right next to Destin, Florida. White sand beach, beautiful gulf water, tons of fabulous restaurants and the best shopping you can imagine!!!! When we go in February there is nobody down there but the old people. That suits us just fine.
All I do the whole week is read, walk the beach, eat, meditate, walk, and do tai chi. And of course, shop.
It is perfect and I feel so lucky that we can go again this year. Archie loves it too. We just get down there and fall into this lazy way of living for a whole week. Anything can have or do anything you want. Every year is such a treasure and special gift. It is my week to rejuvinate, restore, catch my breath, thank the Lord, exfolliate my skin, buy shoes, whatever!!!!
I don't think I can stand all this excitement and thinking about all my fun stuff! Oh....I can too....

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Anonymous said...

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