Monday, November 19, 2007

I don't like FORWARDS! And thats that!!!

Ok, is there anyone out there that likes getting a bunch of FORWARDS in their mail? I hate it!!! I log onto my computer and am soooo thrilled to see I have 14 emails!!!! Then I find out that 12 of them are STUPID FORWARDS!!!! No, no, no!!! I don't like forwards! My friend, Karin, always sends me these. She said she doesn't even open them, just sends them to everyone on her buddy list. I tried to give her a hint that I don't like them and I never open them...but she is still sending them. My brother, who is semi-retired, is starting to send them too.
First of all...maybe I'm a humorless person...but I don't have the patience to read the jokes and most of the time I don't think they are that funny.
Second of all...I don't like the political ones. OR the religious ones. OR the "you are my special girlfriend ones." I want my special girlfriends to really write me!!! Not send me a forward that someone else sent them!!!
All this girl wants is a real live email. If you can't send me a real note, then please don't send me your forwards!!!! AND CHAIN LETTERS!!! euww....I thought that was over in the '60's.
So polish off your keyboards and DELETE all those dumb forwards you get and DON'T SEND THEM TO ME!!!


Brazzle said...

I TOTALLY agree!! I hate forwards too! Especially chain letters. You go girl! Get the word out!
P.S. I love the new pics. You are too funny.

Anonymous said...

I also totally agree.
I hate forwards, etc.
Kelli - I am really enjoying your writings - very exciting reading!!!