Thursday, January 22, 2009

My first submission

Today I mailed off my FIRST short story to a magazine. I don't care if I get rejected. I am 100% sure that I will be rejected. I actually look forward to the rejection letter because it will remind me that I actually did something! I finally mailed in a story. It is a young adult short story called "Forever Paris."
Writing is one of my hobbies. I began writing stories when I was in the eighth grade. I would sit in my room for hours writing and sometimes I would illustrate the stories. I had a whole stack of stories that I had written. My Mom and sister are still asking, "Where all those books you wrote?" We don't know. Last thing anyone remembers is my sister had them but she said she gave them back to me. I left my parents home in 1976 and don't remember where they are. We sometimes blame my poor, dead Father who can't defend himself. We say, "I'll bet Dad threw them away." feels good to seal the envelope and mail a story off. Now I will just keep writing.
How are all of you?
I love you all. Peace and sunshine.................Kelli

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Longest January

I think this is the longest January I have ever had. Freezing temps, ice, sleet, clouds, snow. Cold weather never got to me like this before! I dread going outside! I could just wrap up in a blanket, stay on the couch with my book and never leave the house!!!!
But I can't do that. I have to get up and go to work and do the things that grown ups are supposed to do. But if I were a kid, I'd have to do the things a kid has to do (like go to school) so whats the difference? Probably when I was a kid I didn't mind all this goofy cold weather. Kids don't care about stuff like cold weather and snow and sleet. Do kids even get cold?
Anyhoo....I miss the Bahamas right now. Last year Bree and I broke up January and flew to the Bahamas. But Florida will be here soon. Archie and I leave Feb. 20 for our weeks vacation in Fort Walton Beach. I can't wait!!!!
I hope all of you have a great week and hang in there! January is nearly over!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Quit your blubberin'

My Dad used to say that to me when I was a kid...."Quit your blubberin'". And here I am, 54 years old (even though I'm still fiftythreegoingonseventeen) blubbering. I can't help it. I am a blubberer. I cry at the drop of a hat, it seems. I hear a sad story and my heart goes out to the person and my eyes fill up with tears. Someone (someone who doesn't even matter) will hurt my feelings at work and I'll blubber away locked in the employee bathroom, or I'll dab at my eyes to keep the tears from spilling over if I can't leave for a private place.

I blubber with joy over something happy, something sad, something sentimental, something beautiful. Sometimes I wonder if I'm a blubbering, blithering, idiot!?

Oh well, life is good....and then you blubber.

Have a great January day, everyone!!! Love, Just A Girl

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sunday at Home

I love being home. I love travelling and shopping and eating out and having coffee with my friends, but my #1 place is HOME. I wake up every morning and settle into my corner of the loveseat with my coffee and watch Kinzie and Walter nip, chase, play, run and make Sabi grouchier by the second. I simply LOVE coffee and the first cup is the best. After two big mugs I like to read my daily reading of "The Secret" that Bree got me for Christmas. Then I check my email and usually am disappointed that nobody emailed me but junkers. If I am feeling the juices flow I will write. If it is a weekday I get ready for work after that. If it is a Sunday, I head back to the loveseat, cup of joe in my hand, and read the Sunday paper.
I shouldn't say read the Sunday paper...I probably peruse the Sunday paper. I read the obits, the book reviews (which in the Fort Wayne paper is really bad and very tiny) and the movie section (entertainment section) I save all the Sunday ads for last as they are my favorite!!!
Then if I am really going to have a fantastic, perfect winter Sunday, I will spend the day reading the day away, a pot of soup simmering on the stove or something yummy cooking on low in the oven.
Sundays pass all too quickly, don't they? I think weekends should start on Friday!!!
Hope your weekend is wonderful whatever you did!!!!!!!!!!!! Love, Kelli

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Just want to say HAPPY NEW YEAR and wish all of my friends a wonderful 2009. I am looking forward to the new year.
Last night we met Janet and Gary at El Patron for dinner. I got a JUMBO margarita...had no idea it would be HUGE!!! duh?! Janet got a regular sized margarita and we both got kinda silly. It was fun. Archie had a Captain Morgan and Coke and Gary had water. It was a fab way to spend the evening. Then came home and just hunkered down in front of the TV.
Today I'm putting the Christmas decorations away. What a job!!!!
Have a wonderful day!