Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Just A Girl Has Moved!

The journey of Kelli continues. . . find me on my new blog here.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Over a month now....

It has been over 1 month since I quit work. I LOVE IT!!! Every day is a new joy for me. I love being able to do what I want. June 2 Sharon and I leave for England. We fly into Bristol and then take a train from Bristol to Bath. We plan on hitting all the adorable villages and having the time of our lives. I can't wait to see the English countryside.
There will be plenty of news and pictures when I return.
I want to start a new blog and I will have a link so you can find me. I think now that I am almost 55 years old (going on seventeen) I need a new name and a fresh start. Since my life is so different now than it was when I started this blog I would like to begin again. (finnegan, begin again)
Love to you all and I will keep you posted.
I am reading The Secret Keepers by Mindy Friddle.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Light a Candle and Sun Needs the Moon

Hello luvs! I awoke this morning full of lightness and love. Another beautiful day to enjoy. I am so pleased with unemployed (and self employed) life!!! I adore it. I lit my candle this morning and danced through the dining room to my computer to write. Life is good and the Universe has blessed me and angels have kissed my silly shoulders for yet another day.

I think it is sinking in finally (it has been 3 weeks since I worked) that I am a free woman. And I really, really love it. Archie is happier too. He likes having supper at night and the coffee ready when he gets home. He said the old sparkle in my eyes has returned on a daily basis and when I am happy he is happy. What a sweet thing for him to say....

Here is what has been going on with me. This week I am still organizing and cleaning the house. Wiping grease and dirt that has gone unseen for years!!!! I am good with "picking up" but tend to not see the "hidden dirt." I have been irrigating the Liberace room and will finish today. Then I want to start organizing my craft and cross stitch stuff. What a mess. It is getting harder for me to see the cross stitch holes so I might just concentrate on the embroidery. Then I want to finish scrubbing the woodwork in Michael's old room. It has to be scrubbed before paint can go over it because it has 20 years of grime on it.

I just finished a great book called "Sugar" by Bernice McFadden. I have the sequel "This Bitter Earth" to read also.

I am walking and riding my bike. My eyes aren't as puffy. I looked in the mirror yesterday and the bags under my eyes didn't appear to be so bad.

I am happy.

I am grateful. I appreciate my life, my family, my friends and so many more. I used to say to the kids, "I love you more than the sun needs the moon." (or was it meets the moon?) And I feel so happy and full of a sweet, content feeling deep in my heart that I treasure all day long. I know that I have done the right thing to quit work. I sure don't miss it!!!

This Sunday I will go to Chicago for a great Mother's Day with BREE!!! I will be there til Tuesday morning. I am so excited!!!

Hope all is well with you, my dear friends....I am thinking good thoughts for you and cheery moments!!!! Love, Kelli