Saturday, October 6, 2007

My malted milk balls

I love double dipped malted milk balls more than anything this side of the world! Yesterday I was coming home from the hospital and I stopped at Fresh Market where I always buy my balls. I was so excited because I was going to a movie on Saturday to see The Jane Austen Book Club and I always take my malted milk balls to movies. Accidentally, I left the malted milk balls in my CAR when I got to the office! It got up in the 90's yesterday and my malted milk balls were completely melted! I was sick!!! I put them in the freezer but now they are just a block of frozen malt ball. I would go back to Fresh Market but its clear across town. Oh well....I can't take the frozen block of malt ball to the movie and just gnaw on it. That would be disgusting. I'll just have to eat my popcorn. I'll let you know how I liked the movie though!!!!


Brazzle said...

Oh, I'm just sick about your balls. This post had me in stitches, picturing you gnawing on a big frozen block of malted milk.

Just a girl said...

Thank you for the comment on my blog!!! I just adore you!!
Keep reading and commenting.

John said...

This is hilarious. I actually have gnawed on a frozen dessert that was comprised of melted candy. It's really good with crunch bars. I've never done it in a theater, though.