Monday, October 29, 2007

Girl Cousin Florida Reunion

WE HAD A BALL!!!!!!!!!!! We never shut our mouths except when there was food in it.
We all had a wonderful, fantastic time!!
The fun started Tuesday when we met at Bob Evans. Patty and Jenny picked Marcia and I up and we headed down 69 to Jimmy Buffett's Cheeseburger Paradise Restaurant. The food was delicious and the frozen margaritas were even better. Our spirits were high! We were so excited about our trip! After eating we headed to our rooms at the hotel near the Indianapolis airport where we would stay the night. Jenny and I shared a room and Patty and Marcia shared a room. Jenny, Patty, and Marcia were teasing me because all I had was one small carry on bag and they had big suitcases. I told them I was going to just use their stuff. Jenny and I had to move rooms because our room stunk of smoke. Yuk! So we moved down the hall.
In the morning we got up bright and early and took the shuttle to the airport where we boarded our non stop flight to Fort Meyers Beach, Florida. Aunt Jane and Aunt Joan picked us up at the airport. There were hugs and kisses all around. Our cousin, Jill, who had flown in from Cincinnati, had to spend the night in the Atlanta airport due to storms. She was already at Aunt Joan's waiting for us.
We got to Aunt Joan's and more hugs and kisses when Jill came outside to meet us. She looked fresh as a daisy. Didn't even look tired after staying all night in an airport!!!
Aunt Joan has a gorgeous home with a lovely lanai. We all got our bedrooms and headed out to lunch at The Fish House. It was wonderful! I had the fish finger basket with hush puppies and cole slaw. We talked and got caught up with one another. Everybody looked wonderful!
Then we went to this jewelry store called "The Best of Everything" which Jill and Jenny said was a must see!!! They weren't kidding! It was a store filled with costume jewelry and purses and hats, scarves, Christmas things, bling and bling everywhere!!! We shopped and then we headed for the grocery store for our booze and snicky snacks.
Then home for cocktail hour. Aunt Jane brought chicken pasta salad over for supper and we just spent the night drinking and talking and laughing and telling stories. It was so great just being together!! We played this card game that Aunt Joan taught us but I can't remember the name. It was fun though.
We all went to bed about midnight and it took quite awhile for us to settle down. Giggling and laughter kept coming from our rooms. It reminded me of when we were little and used to stay all night with each other. Patty and I shared a room, Jenny and Jill shared a room, and Marcia got her own room with the murphy bed.
The next day we got up bright and early, had coffee except for Jenny...she drinks diet pepsi.
Then out to the Bonita Springs Beach for our morning walk. It was sooooo pretty. We walked a long way, then came home and got our suits on and went into Naples for lunch at this Irish place called McCabe's. It was fabulous. I had a reuben. Then we went to the Naples Beach and sat in our chairs and read and relaxed. The gulf was nice and warm and I went in the water. Then we went back into the town of Naples near where we ate and shopped at Fresh Produce. We all bought clothes there. It was great. Then home to cleaned up. Then cocktail hour and out to dinner at The Water Mark. Dinner was superb. I had scallops, baked potato and key lime pie for dessert!! We had a leisurely dinner filled with laughter and great conversation. Then home for more cocktails and stories by Aunt Jane and Aunt Joan of growing up on Barr Street.
We laughed til we cried listening to them!
The next day we were again up bright and early. I went for a quick dip in the pool while the rest of the girls went for an exercise walk. Then off to Fort Meyers Beach for the day. We had lunch on the patio of this cute bar/restaurant that was right on the beach. Then after lunch sat down on the beach and talked, laughed, read, walked, and Marcia, Patty and I got ice cream.
It was wonderful.
We did some shopping at the beach shops. Jill got this cool dress that you can wear all different ways by folding it and Patty and Marcia got cute dresses.
Then home to get cleaned up and cocktails again. We had dinner that night at Flippers. We sat outside and you can see dolphins!! We had a great dinner! I had coconut shrimp. Then back home for more talk. We never ever ran out of things to say. We all got along fabulously!!!!
The last day, Saturday, Aunt Joan and I went shopping at Coconut Pointe. I got 2 outfits and some shoes and a sweater. Then when we got home, Jill and Jenny decided they wanted to go to the outlet mall. Marcia and Patty opted for the pool and a good book, so Aunt Joan, me, Jenny and Jill went to this great big outlet mall. Had a ball shopping. Jill and Jenny got shoes and Aunt Joan and Jill got some outfits.
I got some chocolate which I really was craving as these slim cousins of mine don't eat much junk food at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That night Aunt Joan and Jane fixed us dinner. We ate at Aunt Jane's house and it was delicious!!! We played a game called Catch Phrase and laughed alot. Then we decided to go skinny dipping since it was our last night. We took our clothes off, got wrapped in our beach blankets, and walked to the pool. We got to the pool and jumped in and it felt divine!!!! We laughed and hooted and swam around. It felt so good.
The next day we said our goodbye's to Aunt Jane, Aunt Joan, and Jill. Aunt Joan dropped us off at the airport and we flew back home.
I miss my cousins already!!!
We said on our trip that 5 women (even though we are related) that had never traveled together before just blended PERFECTLY! We were great together. Not a moody one in the bunch. Every morning we would wake up with sleepy smiles and everyone was "go with the flow". It was a great group. I hope we can do this again and next time the rest of the cousins come too!!!
I love these beautiful women so much. Each of them left me with a part of them that I will cherish and hold onto deep in my heart forever. I am proud to know them and happy that we are cousins and friends.
A special thank you to Aunt Jane and Aunt Joan for the wonderful hospitality you showed us. Thank you for driving us around and letting us use your car!!! I love you all.


Brazzle said...

Oh wow, it sounds like you had such a blast!! Can I come next year? Reading your blog made me so excited for the Bahamas. All I wanna do is lay on the beach, read good books, talk, swim, have cocktails, eat a ton, and go for long walks with my munga.
I love you so much. You are so special to me. I love your writing style.

Patty said...

It was a great trip to Bonita Springs! Thank you Joan and Jane.Yes,if our mouths were not full of food or drinks,we were laughing up a storm or talking...Thank you to Jill for being such a great "tour guide". You kept the ball rolling...The dining, beaches,and cocktails were the best. Our "moonlight" swim was a great way to end the trip. What great memories! Thanks you girls!!!