Saturday, October 13, 2007

"To Sir, With Love"

Oh my GAWD! I'm sitting here at my computer and "To Sir With Love" comes on the radio!!!
"...if you wanted the sky I would write across the sky in letters...." How I adored that movie!!!
Bought the album and knew every word of To Sir With Love by heart.
I remember seeing that movie and sitting spellbound in the theatre. I remember crying my eyes out and then turning around the next day and seeing it again. I got my hair cut like Lulu and wore a thin velveteen ribbon in my hair. That was such a wonderful movie and if you have not seen it yet, please get the video and watch it. Every teenager should have a "Sir" in their life...if you didn't have one in your life (like I didn't) then Sidney P will do the job just fine.
Here's to you, Lulu ..... thank you for the wonderful Saturday morning memory.

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