Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Every once in awhile I feel like I need to stop and take inventory of my life and see if it is going on the track that I want it to go on. Things are going VERY WELL so far for 2008. I have been to the Bahamas with Bree and am going to Florida for my annual vacation with Archie. Paris is in the planning stages for June and I AM SOOOO EXCITED about it!!! My vacation travels are in order but I need to look at my daily life track. What do I want? What do I want in terms of how I want to live my days? Besides working and reading and watching LOST and going to is my commitment to my body? Have I started eating better and exercising? The answer is no to both of those. And if I don't take care of my physical self how will I be able to do the things I have planned? Toting a backpack through Paris and walking for miles in Paris with Bree and John?

So today I am making a promise to myself and my blog friends. I am promising to do one set of exercises a day. I am promising to do this for myself so that I can continue to be the Kelli Anne 17 year old girl (who is really 53 years old)

I want my life to be healthy and clean and full of happiness. I want to bend forward and tilt my head backwards and stretch my foot in front of me and thank the good Lord in himmel that I can do these things that so many people cannot.

So today I have written this down. Today I will do some form of exercise and I will be so glad that I did!!! My Bree exercises on a regular basis and I love to hear her tell about how good/fabulous she feels after working out. I'd like to feel a bit of that!

So keep a smile inside your heart for me and have a fantastic-o day!!!

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