Monday, February 18, 2008


I'll be out of commission the next week or so as Archie and I are headed to our winter getaway, Fort Walton Beach, Florida. I can't wait!!! Nothing to do for a whole week but read, read, read, eat good, fresh, seafood, walk the beach, shop my brains out, and relax.
I will tell you all about the trip in my blog when I return. Hopefully, I'll get an idea for another short story. I completed The Queen of Reid Avenue. That was my first story since HIGH SCHOOL!!! Now that is what I call a Long Writer's Block!!!
Have a wonderful rest of the month and I'll write again soon.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Books and more books

I made it halfway through Water For Elephants which all of my cousins read and adored. It is well written and totally held my interest, but too much animal abuse which I just couldn't stomach. It took place back in the 1920's at a circus and those poor circus animals! It just wasn't my type of book. I started reading The Ruins last night. I hope this is good. I know I don't always give things a full chance, but I feel like there is so much out there to read, why waste time on something I don't really like? I admire people who keep with a book til the end though....wish I could be like that. I'm too impatient.
Here is what is on the bookshelf:
The Ruins (currently reading)
Good In Bed by Jennifer Weiner (I need to read this because the sequel Certain Girls is soon to be out)
Light a Penny Candle (an older Maeve Binchy)
The Gypsy Storyteller ( a Bree recommendation)
I need to get my books in order for Florida. That is my week when I do nothing but sit and read! And walk the beach, swim in the pool, eat seafood, and shop!!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Things My Mother Taught Me

Always send a thank you note
Always wear nice underpants
Always carry a good purse (this was passed down from Aunt Jessie)
Always clean your stove first (this was also passed down from Aunt Jessie)
Always get a clean dishrag every morning

That is all I can remember for now.....The best thing she taught me definitely was send thank you notes. Of course, clean underpants is important, I mean, "nice" underpants. I've never had a problem always carrying a good purse since I love to shop and am crazy about purses (especially the expensive purses)
I'm not very good at cleaning my stove off first. Sometimes I don't clean my stove off at all!
I always get a clean dishrag every day. I have a thing about dishtowels and dishrags. Once they get crummy looking I turn them into rags. Sometimes if I'm feeling blue all I have to do is go out and buy some new dish towels and it perks me right up.
What do you remember about what your mother taught you?

Saturday, February 9, 2008

The hand of a friend

There is nothing so sweet and heartwarming, so dear and comforting, as the hand of a friend. So many times those familiar hands have been there for me. Across a table to clasp my hand, to pat my hand encouragingly, to squeeze my hand when I have needed strength. I think of my dear, beautiful friends who have been with me for so many years and have loved and supported me. I love them so much. I am one of the luckier women in the world who have been blessed with good, strong, friendships. My friends are everything to me. I would go to the ends of the earth for them. They have risen me up from the depths of despair, made things "real" for me, brought things into perspective for me so many, many times. Cried with me, laughed with me, understood me. Been truly HAPPY for me.
Thank you, my darlings, for blessing me. Thank you for your friendships.
You know who you know how much you mean to me. I love you.........

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Every once in awhile I feel like I need to stop and take inventory of my life and see if it is going on the track that I want it to go on. Things are going VERY WELL so far for 2008. I have been to the Bahamas with Bree and am going to Florida for my annual vacation with Archie. Paris is in the planning stages for June and I AM SOOOO EXCITED about it!!! My vacation travels are in order but I need to look at my daily life track. What do I want? What do I want in terms of how I want to live my days? Besides working and reading and watching LOST and going to is my commitment to my body? Have I started eating better and exercising? The answer is no to both of those. And if I don't take care of my physical self how will I be able to do the things I have planned? Toting a backpack through Paris and walking for miles in Paris with Bree and John?

So today I am making a promise to myself and my blog friends. I am promising to do one set of exercises a day. I am promising to do this for myself so that I can continue to be the Kelli Anne 17 year old girl (who is really 53 years old)

I want my life to be healthy and clean and full of happiness. I want to bend forward and tilt my head backwards and stretch my foot in front of me and thank the good Lord in himmel that I can do these things that so many people cannot.

So today I have written this down. Today I will do some form of exercise and I will be so glad that I did!!! My Bree exercises on a regular basis and I love to hear her tell about how good/fabulous she feels after working out. I'd like to feel a bit of that!

So keep a smile inside your heart for me and have a fantastic-o day!!!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

A fun and laughter filled weekend in the City

I got home today from Chicago, having spent a fun filled weekend with Bree and John. Thank the good Lord it wasn't windy and cold in the City. I got to Bree's about 9:30 and we headed to Nordstrom first. I had to get a lip liner. After getting the lip liner we went down the stree to to Niketown. I got a great pair of Nike's and Bree bought me some exercise pants. They are really cute! Soft grey with pale pink on the sides. I didn't want her to buy them, but she insisted. She is so good to me!
Then we went to D4 for lunch. It is this adorable, cozy, Irish pub/restaurant across the street from Bree' s apartment. We sat by the fireplace and had a lovely, delicious lunch. We shared fish 'n chips and Bree got a pear salad too. We had coffee and, of course, bad girl that I am, I had to get dessert. It was small though. A small chocolate sundae with D4's own homemade chocolate sauce. Now, who could resist that?
The we went to the apartment and visited with John for awhile and changed into our theatre clothes. We grabbed a cab and went to the Cadillac Palace Theatre to see My Fair Lady. It was fabulous!!! Bree and I both enjoyed it. Then we walked to Lalo's to meet John for dinner. We sang almost the whole way...songs from My Fair Lady.
Lalo's is this great Mexican restaurant that not only has delicious food but fabulous frozen margaritas. We had a wonderful, fun, dinner and then walked home. I was buzzed from that margarita and I could not even drink the whole thing.
When we got home we got into our jammies and John was so sweet!!! He walked to Dunkin' Donuts and got me a coffee!!!
When he got home Bree and I took turns reading him the short story I wrote. Bree is going to edit for me and then send it back to me. John liked the story and Bree loved it. It made my day!!!! Then we watched two episodes of South Park.
I pooped out then. Slept like a daggone rock.
This morning Bree and I got up at 7 and went to Fox & Obel for coffee and a last visit before I drove back to Fort Wayne and Bree went to work. We decided that one night visits were not enough and from now on I would only stay for a minimum of two nights.
It was a great weekend. I came home and took a nap.
Now I'm going to read my book, The Senator's Wife, and hopefully finish it.
Happy February!!!

Friday, February 1, 2008


Yes, I finished last night and emailed it to Bree, my editor. It is called The Queen of Reid Avenue. It was fun to write and hopefully, I will get more ideas for stories to write.
The snow is beautiful. Got 6" today and more coming down. Wish I could stay home and read all day but I have to go to work.
Hope everyone has a fantastic day and a relaxing, fun filled weekend.