Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sunday at Home

I love being home. I love travelling and shopping and eating out and having coffee with my friends, but my #1 place is HOME. I wake up every morning and settle into my corner of the loveseat with my coffee and watch Kinzie and Walter nip, chase, play, run and make Sabi grouchier by the second. I simply LOVE coffee and the first cup is the best. After two big mugs I like to read my daily reading of "The Secret" that Bree got me for Christmas. Then I check my email and usually am disappointed that nobody emailed me but junkers. If I am feeling the juices flow I will write. If it is a weekday I get ready for work after that. If it is a Sunday, I head back to the loveseat, cup of joe in my hand, and read the Sunday paper.
I shouldn't say read the Sunday paper...I probably peruse the Sunday paper. I read the obits, the book reviews (which in the Fort Wayne paper is really bad and very tiny) and the movie section (entertainment section) I save all the Sunday ads for last as they are my favorite!!!
Then if I am really going to have a fantastic, perfect winter Sunday, I will spend the day reading the day away, a pot of soup simmering on the stove or something yummy cooking on low in the oven.
Sundays pass all too quickly, don't they? I think weekends should start on Friday!!!
Hope your weekend is wonderful whatever you did!!!!!!!!!!!! Love, Kelli

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