Thursday, January 8, 2009

Quit your blubberin'

My Dad used to say that to me when I was a kid...."Quit your blubberin'". And here I am, 54 years old (even though I'm still fiftythreegoingonseventeen) blubbering. I can't help it. I am a blubberer. I cry at the drop of a hat, it seems. I hear a sad story and my heart goes out to the person and my eyes fill up with tears. Someone (someone who doesn't even matter) will hurt my feelings at work and I'll blubber away locked in the employee bathroom, or I'll dab at my eyes to keep the tears from spilling over if I can't leave for a private place.

I blubber with joy over something happy, something sad, something sentimental, something beautiful. Sometimes I wonder if I'm a blubbering, blithering, idiot!?

Oh well, life is good....and then you blubber.

Have a great January day, everyone!!! Love, Just A Girl

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