Thursday, January 22, 2009

My first submission

Today I mailed off my FIRST short story to a magazine. I don't care if I get rejected. I am 100% sure that I will be rejected. I actually look forward to the rejection letter because it will remind me that I actually did something! I finally mailed in a story. It is a young adult short story called "Forever Paris."
Writing is one of my hobbies. I began writing stories when I was in the eighth grade. I would sit in my room for hours writing and sometimes I would illustrate the stories. I had a whole stack of stories that I had written. My Mom and sister are still asking, "Where all those books you wrote?" We don't know. Last thing anyone remembers is my sister had them but she said she gave them back to me. I left my parents home in 1976 and don't remember where they are. We sometimes blame my poor, dead Father who can't defend himself. We say, "I'll bet Dad threw them away." feels good to seal the envelope and mail a story off. Now I will just keep writing.
How are all of you?
I love you all. Peace and sunshine.................Kelli

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