Monday, December 17, 2007

I love my CAMERA!

I think everyone that knows me knows that I LOVE TO TAKE PICTURES!! Ever since I can remember, I've had a love affair with the camera. I love to take pictures and I love to have my picture taken. My kids when they were younger used to groan, "Oh Mom, no more pictures!" And I would say, "I'm making memories. Someday you'll thank me!" Take tonight, for instance....I said to Michael, "Oh, take a picture of me and Dad in front of the tree!" Archie made a face and acted like he didn't want to get off his butt and sit in front of the tree. I said, "You bought me the camera!" He agreed to a couple of pictures and when he saw how good they turned out he was pleased. Here is a picture of me and Archie that Michael took tonight.

HAPPY HOLIDAYS, EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Brazzle said...

Mumsie! This is a gorgeous picture. Is that the Mister Hankey ornament right above Dad's head?
Five days til I see you!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good words.