Thursday, September 27, 2007

Upcoming Girl Cousin Get-away

This is going to be a blast! Next month (October) my girl cousins are all getting together and meeting in Florida for a long weekend!! I am so looking forward to it! When we see each other at the family reunion there are so many people to talk to we just don't get to connect on a more intimate level. This will be the chance to do this.
We have two aunts who live in Bonita Springs who will be sharing their homes with us. We are going to go to the beach, pool, laugh, talk, drink, anything girl cousins do when together.
Patty, Marcia, Jenny and I will drive down the night before to Indy and fly out in the morning from Indy. I will put pics and stories on my blog after the reunion.
I'm so lucky to have so many wonderful cousins that are the most awesome women you can imagine. We all love to read so I instructed each cousin they must write down 5 books that they love and we will all share our books when we get to Florida. It'll be great to get new book ideas and learn what they have read and enjoyed.

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