Saturday, March 15, 2008


It was the coolest dream! I loved it and didn't want it to end!
It was a dream (so real!) that I had hosted my first "Book Party". I had invited four or five friends over and told them to bring a book. I had snicky snacks, coffee, wine, pop. We sat around in my living room and talked books. It was fabulous!!! At the end of the night we set a date for the next get-together and I told each of them to bring a friend and have that friend bring a book. Isn't that cool?
I'd love to have that happen...but everyone is so busy and no one around here wants to do anything like that. Oh well....
So that leaves my blog friends. You, my dears, must give me ideas on books you have read that you love and would suggest. I am open to ALL IDEAS!!!
Have a wonderful day and THINK SPRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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