Thursday, March 26, 2009

Happy Spring --- FINALLY!!!

Spring has sprung. I am sooooo sorry I haven't written in ages. So much going on. So much to tell.

We went to Florida and had a wonderful time. So relaxing! I read The Help by Kathryn Stockett and highly recommend. Excellent book. We relaxed and ate out. I gained a bunch of weight and am still trying to take it off.

Bree and John came home to celebrate Archie's

60th birthday. Had a great time with them. Bree and John taught us how to play Blackjack and we had alot of fun playing that.

Archie is still not smoking and we are so proud of him!!!! Almost 2 months now!!!

My cousin, Sharon, and I are going to Cornwall in England in June. We are going to walk the villages and sightsee and laugh and take pictures and talk to the English and eat cottled cream & scones and drink tea. Sharon is driving the train and will be making our plane reservations soon.

More to come on that!!!!

Life is good for me and I will be keeping you posted and DOING A MUCH BETTER JOB!!! I love you all and would love to hear from you.

If anyone has been to Cornwall, please write me and tell me everything!!!! Sharon and I are so excited about going.

Hugs and love,


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